Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

IVideoWindow Interface

The IVideoWindow interface sets properties on the video window. Applications can use it to set the window owner, the position and dimensions of the window, and other properties.

Both the Video Renderer Filter and the Filter Graph Manager expose this interface. Applications should use the Filter Graph Manager's version of this interface. The Filter Graph Manager forwards all method calls to the Video Renderer. It also forwards certain window messages, such as WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, that the Video Renderer requires in order to update itself. If you make the video window into a child window, the window no longer receives these messages directly. Thus, it relies on the Filter Graph Manager to forward them.

However, if the filter graph contains more than one Video Renderer, the Filter Graph Manager only communicates with one of them (selected arbitrarily). Therefore, to work with multiple video windows, an application must use the IVideoWindow interface directly on the filters themselves. In that case, you must be sure to forward window messages to each Video Renderer, using the IVideoWindow::NotifyOwnerMessage method.

MFC applications which place the video window in a child window must define an empty WM_ERASEBKGND message handler, or the video display area will not repaint correctly.

If the video renderer is not connected, all the methods on this interface return the error code VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED. Properties set on a video renderer persist between successive connections and disconnections. Because this interface is Automation-compatible, Boolean values are OAFALSE (0) or OATRUE (–1).

Filter Developers: You can use the CBaseVideoWindow class to help implement this interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IVideoWindow interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_AutoShow Queries whether the video renderer automatically shows the video window when it receives video data.
get_BackgroundPalette Queries whether the video window realizes its palette in the background.
get_BorderColor Retrieves the color that appears around the edges of the destination rectangle.
get_Caption Retrieves the video window caption.
get_FullScreenMode Queries whether the video renderer is in full-screen mode.
get_Height Retrieves the height of the video window.
get_Left Retrieves the video window's x-coordinate.
get_MessageDrain Retrieves the window that receives mouse and keyboard messages from the video window, if any.
get_Owner Retrieves the video window's parent window, if any.
get_Top Retrieves the video window's y-coordinate.
get_Visible Queries whether the video window is visible.
get_Width Retrieves the width of the video window.
get_WindowState Queries whether the video window is visible, hidden, minimized, or maximized.
get_WindowStyle Retrieves the window style on the video window.
get_WindowStyleEx Retrieves the extended window style on the video window.
GetMaxIdealImageSize Retrieves the maximum ideal size for the video image.
GetMinIdealImageSize Retrieves the minimum ideal size for the video image.
GetRestorePosition Retrieves the restored window position.
GetWindowPosition Retrieves the position of the video window.
HideCursor Hides the cursor.
IsCursorHidden Queries whether the cursor is hidden.
NotifyOwnerMessage Forwards a message to the video window.
put_AutoShow Specifies whether the video renderer automatically shows the video window when it receives video data.
put_BackgroundPalette Specifies whether the video window realizes its palette in the background.
put_BorderColor Sets the color that appears around the edges of the destination rectangle.
put_Caption Sets the video window caption.
put_FullScreenMode Enables or disables full-screen mode.
put_Height Sets the height of the video window.
put_Left Sets the video window's x-coordinate.
put_MessageDrain Specifies a window to receive mouse and keyboard messages from the video window.
put_Owner Specifies a parent window for the video window.
put_Top Sets the video window's y-coordinate.
put_Visible Shows or hides the video window.
put_Width Sets the width of the video window.
put_WindowState Shows, hides, minimizes, or maximizes the video window.
put_WindowStyle Sets the window style on the video window.
put_WindowStyleEx Sets the extended window style on the video window.
SetWindowForeground Places the video window at the top of the Z order.
SetWindowPosition Sets the position of the video window.